
Recomendado de la semana:

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"It was really like science fiction come true." por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet "It was really like science fiction come true." Steve from Bethpage, New York grew up with posters of rockets and planes hanging all over his room. His dad also worked on the lunar module, so the Apollo 11 mission meant a lot to him and his family.

"I stayed up all night to wait for that moment." por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet "I stayed up all night to wait for that moment." Peter from West Sussex, England took photos of the Moon walk from his television screen.

"Me, my mom, and my dad just sat transfixed." por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet "Me, my mom, and my dad just sat transfixed." Allen from Springfield, Illinois made sure to capture the big moment as he watched transfixed with his family.

"The whole world stopped." por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet "The whole world stopped." Rob from Fresno, California remembers his mom purchasing a huge color TV two days before the Moon landing. The whole neighborhood came over to watch.

9años internet CO (con Eduardo Santoyo)

Tweet Fuente: https://ift.tt/2YuHyqu .Co Internet, el administrador del dominio de internet de Colombia, presentó una encuesta sobre la comunidad y el uso de internet. Hay detalles muy reveladores en la encuesta. Y publicamos 3 episodios sobre eso en ElSiglo21esHoy.com Este primer episodio es con Eduardo Santoyo, director de .Co Internet. Nos cuenta cómo funciona una empresa encargada de administrar el dominio de un país en internet. Esta publicación aparece primero en ElSiglo21esHoy.com August 6, 2019 at 03:12PM Suscríbete en iPhone / iPad LocutorCo https://youtu.be/SDhwAHKQNtA

"I saw it firsthand on the monitors." por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet "I saw it firsthand on the monitors." Retha from Upper Marlboro, Maryland graduated high school in 1969, and was a summer intern at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center!

"I feel honored and blessed to have been alive during that time." por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet "I feel honored and blessed to have been alive during that time." Brand from Los Gatos, California made sure to record the Moon landing.



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