
Gravity Assist: The History of the Future, with Steven Dick por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Gravity Assist: The History of the Future, with Steven Dick People have long wondered whether there is life beyond Earth, but it is only recently that scientists have been able to apply the tools of space exploration to go after this question. In 1996, the Allan Hills 84001 Meteorite shook the world as scientists debated whether it had tiny fossils inside of it that came from Mars. The consensus is that this rock does not contain Martian fossils, but the questions it raised energized many researchers. Today, the field of astrobiology is looking at how life arose on Earth and where else in the solar system and beyond life could exist. Beyond these scientific investigations, there are also philosophical questions one could ask. Would we be ready as a society for such a groundbreaking discovery? Astronomer and historian Steven Dick tells us there are many approaches to consider and many questions we should ask ourselves to get ready, in case extr

Expedition 1 por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Expedition 1 On Episode 168, Bill Shepherd, former NASA astronaut and commander of Expedition 1, recounts the historic mission that started the International Space Station’s unbroken streak of continuous human presence in space.

Chandra X-ray Observatory: Galactic Sonification por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Chandra X-ray Observatory: Galactic Sonification Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/K. Arcand, M. Russo & A. Santaguida

Chandra X-ray Observatory: Galactic Sonification por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Chandra X-ray Observatory: Galactic Sonification Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/K. Arcand, M. Russo & A. Santaguida

Couvre-fête por ARTE Radio

Por ARTE Radio Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Couvre-fête Cette semaine, Livo rembobine l'actualité qu'il a loupé pendant son break, et c'est pas joli-joli : assassinat d'un prof, guerres, boycott, pandémie incontrôlable, mises en cause de Diam's (islamo) et de Lavilliers (gauchiste)... Il tente de se réconforter en allant couvrir le couvre-feu par une ballade nocturne et sonore dans la ville renfermée, à la recherche d'une dernière fête avant le reconfinement qui vient... Chaque mercredi, Dépêche découpe l'actu avec un micro. Abonnez-vous à ce podcast sur notre site, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud ou Deezer. Enregistrements : 18, 24, 26, 27 octobre 20 - Texte, voix, réalisation : Olivier Minot - Mix : Charlie Marcelet - Production : ARTE Radio



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