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Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 83, NASA’s Role in Climate Research por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 83, NASA’s Role in Climate Research NASA Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor Kate Calvin discusses the agency's role in climate research.

Gravity Assist: Walking on Broken Ice, with Catherine Walker por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Gravity Assist: Walking on Broken Ice, with Catherine Walker An ice shelf collapsed in East Antarctica in March 2022, concerning scientists who track melting glaciers, sea level rise, and other effects of climate change. Catherine Walker, a visiting scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, uses NASA satellite data to look at the progression of events like this one to understand how large ice structures collapse. She is also looking at Jupiter’s moon Europa and what kind of life might be able to survive under the ice there. Learn about her Antarctica adventures and her scientific journey on this episode of Gravity Assist.

E18: Las empresas se rajaron en sus compromisos climáticos por Shots de Ciencia

Por Shots de Ciencia Podcast #Recomendado Tweet E18: Las empresas se rajaron en sus compromisos climáticos Un análisis sobre los compromisos y gestión climática de 25 grandes empresas en el mundo demuestra que se rajan. Empresas como Google, Apple, Amazon, Vodafone, Nestlé, entre otras, se comprometieron a reducir sus emisiones en un 100 % (carbon net zero) pero, según lo que evidencia el informe, realmente sus planes de reducción son del 40 % en promedio. Estos hallazgos los hizo el New Climate Institute, que acompaña procesos de gestión climática, en colaboración con el Carbon Market Watch. En Shots de Ciencia analizamos los resultados y profundizamos sobre la compensación mediante bonos de carbono que hacen las empresas privadas. Esta estrategia es un arma de doble filo porque, aunque funciona como complemento, sirve de sofisma para justificar la acción climática. Carlos Posada, investigador del New Climate Institute y Camilo Ortega, experto en temas de cambio climático nos a

Gravity Assist: Let’s Talk About Climate Change, with Gavin Schmidt por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Gravity Assist: Let’s Talk About Climate Change, with Gavin Schmidt What’s the difference between climate and weather? How does NASA monitor changing sea levels, melting glaciers, and other effects of climate change? Gavin Schmidt, NASA’s acting senior climate advisor, explains how rising temperatures lead to many complex changes both in the oceans and on land. When it comes to climate change: “It's real. It's us. But we still have choices about how bad we let it get,” he says.

Season 3, Episode 7 - Storm Warning por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Season 3, Episode 7 - Storm Warning Get swept away as we fly into massive hurricanes, and hear how the rumblings of climate change will cause clouds to gather into ever more powerful storms.



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