
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como Voyager

Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 98: Voyager por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 98: Voyager Voyager Project Manager Suzanne Dodd discusses NASA's longest-operating mission and the only spacecraft to explore interstellar space.

Linda Spilker's Voyager 2 Remembrances por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Linda Spilker's Voyager 2 Remembrances Surprises - good and bad - as Voyager 2 closed in on Saturn in 1981. On the anniversary of Voyager's close approach to Saturn, Linda Spilker of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory remembers.

Season 3, Episode 10 - Voyager's View Of Earth por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Season 3, Episode 10 - Voyager's View Of Earth The Voyager 1 spacecraft has traveled farther away from Earth than any human-made object. Candy Hansen and David Grinspoon talk about the Voyager mission, and its humbling perspective of our planet as a tiny blue dot in the blackness of space.



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