
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Human Factors por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Human Factors NASA Armstrong Operations Engineering Branch Chief Kate McMurtry discusses the value of understanding the impact of human factors on mission performance.

Deuxième tour et deuxième vague por ARTE Radio

Por ARTE Radio Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Deuxième tour et deuxième vague A quelques jours du second tour des élections municipales, Livo tente de couvrir la campagne à Paris, Lyon et Marseille (et Istres). A Paris, il enregistre les équipes d'Hidalgo et de Buzyn qui tractent à Stalingrad. A Marseille, il manque d'obtenir une procuration, et à Lyon, il rencontre les francs-tireurs du patronat qui veulent résister au péril vert. Pour Jean-Louis Maier, figure des décideurs de Lyon, le candidat écologiste est comparable à Hitler... Chaque mercredi, Dépêche découpe l'actu avec un micro. Abonnez-vous à ce podcast sur notre site, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud ou Deezer. Enregistrements : 19, 20, 22, 23 juin 20 - Mix : Charlie Marcelet - Texte, voix, réalisation : Olivier Minot - Production : ARTE Radio

Entrevista al Vice Ministro de Vivienda Ciudad y Territorio por Colombia Construye

Por Colombia Construye Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Entrevista al Vice Ministro de Vivienda Ciudad y Territorio Carlos Alberto Ruiz Martínez, Vice Ministro de Vivienda nos habla sobre los 200 mil subsidios, las constructoras y su reactivación en las obras y el mecanismo de "Hipoteca Inversa". Las empresas del sector constructor se siguen vinculando a la campaña Mi Mejor Obra Es Prevenir.

NASA Photographers por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet NASA Photographers On Episode 149, James Blair, Robert Markowitz, and Josh Valcarcel are among the NASA photographers who find themselves in the second seat of a T-38 jet, or taking studio portraits, and everywhere in between, documenting history and the many facets of human spaceflight.

Gravity Assist: Where are the Goldilocks Stars? With Giada Arney por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Gravity Assist: Where are the Goldilocks Stars? With Giada Arney Without our Sun, there would be no life on Earth. The Sun gives us exactly the amount of heat we need to survive. But our Sun represents only one type of star in the universe. Smaller, fainter stars called K stars are more common in our galaxy and also have planets, but we know far less about them. Giada Arney, astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, is looking at the potential for K stars to host habitable worlds. Learn about how stars affect planetary environments and why complex life on early Earth was impossible.



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